Your kind donations allow us to do so much more with our kids.
Click an article below for more information on what’s been happening at Te Aranui Youth Trust over the last few months.
Holiday Programme Winter 2019
Our final holiday programme for 2019 was a great success. Over the second week of the school holidays, we had 20 of our kids and 8 staff...
A trip to Vanuatu
Two of our Te Aranui boys were chosen to do community work in Vanuatu by their church group, Marine Reach. We saw this as a fantastic...
Piritahi Youth Collective
Te Aranui Youth Trust has joined forces with old and new friends (organisations) from around Tauranga to see how we can work together more...
Professtional Development
In August, Eden attended an Easy Evaluation workshop through Ngā Pou Mana in Wellington to learn how we can evaluate and improve our...
Operation Akotanga
Over the past two months, we have had the opportunity to share what we do at Te Aranui Youth Trust with the frontline Police within...
Blue Light Safer Young Driver Expo
In June, we will be holding our 2019 Blue Light Safer Young Driver Expo. Our expo is aimed at all year 11 students in the Western Bay of...
Raised around gangs, Quintin inadvertently found himself in a bad situation – receiving multiple threats from various gang members.
With the help of a Te Aranui Youth Trust intervention, Quintin was able to leave Tauranga and find safety out of town. He has now permanently relocated to a new area, for a new life.
Our kids often don’t choose their own path, they are raised in entrenched poverty, affected by the decisions of those who are meant to care for them and fail.